5 Best Generative AI Products for Content Creation, Examples and Differences

Evan Joyce, 2 January 2024

To help you achieve the most from your productivity and creativity, we have researched and compiled a list of the current best Generative AI products that involve Content Creation.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence designed to generate original content, such as text, images, music, or even videos, resembling human-created output. This technology operates on machine learning algorithms, particularly neural networks, which learn patterns from vast amounts of data to create new content autonomously. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) utilizes deep learning techniques to understand and replicate the structure and style of the input data they are trained on, enabling them to generate realistic and contextually relevant outputs. These models, by understanding the patterns and correlations within their training data, can produce new content that exhibits coherence, creativity, and relevance, revolutionizing how companies can create content by automating the process of content creation.


How can GPT Products help with Content Creation?

Content creation is a vital aspect of any business or creative endeavor. To streamline and enhance this process, GPT products have emerged as a powerful tool. These products serve as invaluable tools for content creation due to their ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text across various topics and writing styles. The AI-powered systems excel in understanding language patterns, allowing them to assist writers, marketers, and creators in brainstorming ideas, crafting compelling narratives, generating engaging social media posts, producing SEO-friendly content, and more. With their vast knowledge base and natural language processing capabilities, GPT products not only streamline the content creation process but also offer valuable insights, enabling users to save time, enhance productivity, and produce high-quality, personalized content tailored to specific needs and audiences.

In this blog post, we will review and compare several GPT products for content creation, exploring their unique features, applications, pros and cons, and cost-effectiveness. So, whether you’re a content creator, business owner, AI enthusiast, or simply curious about the capabilities of generative AI, this comparative analysis will provide valuable insights.

Top 5 Best Content Creation Products

1. Jasper AI

What is Jasper AI?

Launched in February 2021, Jasper is an AI content platform that helps creators and companies to generate marketing copy, such as blog posts, product descriptions, company bios, ad copy and social media captions. It is one of the largest AI tools leading the charge in ai powered writing. Hundreds of thousands active customers are using Jasper to break through writer’s block, repackage their content, create original art, and adjust writing for language and tone.

Jasper AI can used to generate text, translate languages, write various types of creative material, and provide you with helpful answers to your queries. It can be used for many things, including customer support, email marketing, copywriting, and content creation.


  • Free 7 day trial 
  • Pro 59/per month
  • Creator 39/per month

Key features

Jasper.AI uses many different content templates to give context to the model on what writing style is desired for what template. It has over 50+ templates for basically everything you could want for social media creation. You also have an option to develop personalized templates for specific needs that aren’t already listed.

How Jasper.AI works is simple. Choose a template, add your inputs, view output and then iterate on your output.

Here are some key features I thought important to highlight:

Brand voice: This feature allows the AI model to write with your company’s style to keep everything posted consisted with your mission statement. Jasper can even scan your website to directly learn your brand, stay on tone, and adapt to the different styles within your brand.

Blog Post Creation: With a simple prompt Jasper.AI can help you through creating the blog post you need. It begins with the AI asking what the goal is then more questions about that goal.  It will then give you a bulleted list of what your blog post could be before delivering you with a fully written blog post. It saves you time and effort, on the outline of the blog and points you in the right direction but most of the paragraphs generated lack substance.

Image Generation: Jasper uses DALL·E 2, enabling you to craft AI-generated artwork directly within the application. You simply need to articulate your concepts and define particulars such as aesthetic style and emotional tone. The AI art creator will then interpret your prompt and transform it into a distinct, royalty-free graphic. The images are of high resolution, making them suitable for a variety of platforms, including print.

Pros and Cons

2. ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, short for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI.  The GPT series was initiated by OpenAI, with the first version, GPT-1, released in June 2018.  GPT-2 was released in February 2019, gaining attention for its capabilities in generating coherent and contextually relevant text. GPT-3, released in June 2020, further improved the model’s size, performance, and abilities, becoming one of the largest language models at that time.

OpenAI, a research lab focusing on artificial intelligence, is responsible for the creation and development of ChatGPT and the broader GPT series. The development involves a team of researchers and engineers at OpenAI working on improving and fine-tuning the model’s architecture, training methodologies, and applications


  • Free Access to GPT-3.5 model
  • Access to GPT-4, DALL-E 20/per month

Key features in use

ChatGPT has two versions. The free version allows for unlimited interaction with the chatbot using the GPT-3.5 model. The premium version allows for interaction with GPT-4, the ability to create GPTs and additional tools like DALL-E.

Being the original GPT product, ChatGPT is simply a chat bot with limited features. Users enter a prompt and the chatbot will respond. There are no templates to go off unlike the other GPT Products shown in this post. 

Even without templates available their are still some great features available within the chatbot. 

Here are some key features I thought important to highlight:

Curate Plans and Provide Guidance:  Leveraging its expansive knowledge base, ChatGPT crafts detailed plans tailored to specific needs, whether it’s fitness routines, study schedules, or project outlines. Its ability to synthesize information and offer step-by-step instructions empowers users to approach tasks systematically and with clarity. By generating well-organized plans and actionable suggestions, ChatGPT facilitates smoother decision-making processes and assists in breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, enabling users to achieve their goals.

Code Writing and Assistance: ChatGPT can write code based on a prompt. It can also assist in writing code by providing code snippets, explanations, debugging tips, and programming-related guidance across various programming languages and paradigms. It can help users with coding challenges, syntax explanations, and algorithmic problem-solving.

Pros and Cons

3. Writesonic


What is Writesonic

Writesonic is a San Francisco-based company founded by Samanyou Garg in October 2020, specializing in AI-powered tools for quick content creation and customer engagement. Writesonic allows its AI to provide results based on results from real time Google search results.

WriteSonic is specifically tailored to assist with the writing process. It understands the nuances of language and helps users generate high-quality content across various formats, such as blog posts, articles, emails, and more.


  • Free version, 10,000 words per month limit, GPT3.5
  • Small Team version,  33,333 words per month limit, GPT-4, 13/per month
  • Enterprise version, Unlimited words per month, GPT-4, 500+/per month
  • Freelancer version, Unlimited words per month, GPT-3.5, 16/per month

Key features in use

Quite similar to Jasper.AI Writesonic uses many different content templates to give context to the model on what writing style is desired for what template. It has over 100+ templates to help you write. On top of that it also has other dedicated features I thought important to highlight:

Botsonic: is a no-code AI chatbot builder that allows users to create custom chatbots for their websites using GPT-4 and natural language processing.

Chatsonic: is a powerful conversational AI, powered by GPT-4, that’s similar to ChatGPT but with added capabilities. Such as a wider range of information, content generation, tailored writing styles and content optimization.

Photosonic: AI art generator that enables users to create unique art pieces and photo-realistic images in seconds. Images can be based on real-time information from Google

Pros and Cons

4. Blaze

What is Blaze

Blaze is an AI tool that helps teams of one create better content in half the time — all in their brand voice. Blaze supports an end-to-end process (brainstorming, outlining, writing, and repurposing) for creating AI-assisted marketing content in a truly modern document editor.


  • Free 7 day trial 
  • Creator Plan 20/per month
  • Team plan 47/per month
  • Enterprise plan 500/per month

Key features in use

The products of Blaze.ai all center around business. It has a variety of templates to set up your business, Launch your product, Promote your business, Turn leads into buyers and Support your customers.

5. Copy.ai

What is copy.ai

Paul Yacoubian and Chris Lu co-founded copy.ai in 2020. In just two years, the company has grown from 3 employees to over 30, and its customer base has over 2,000,000 users as of August 2022. Some of their bigger clients include Microsoft and eBay. The goal is to create human-like content marketing copy, and they’ve been pushing toward that goal by utilizing their own blend of machine learning models and GTP-3.


  • Free version, 2,000 words limit
  • Pro version,  Unlimited words per month, 5 users, 500 Workflow credits, 49/per month
  • Team version, Unlimited words per month, 20 users, 3,000 Workflow Credits, 249/per month
  • Growth version, Unlimited words per month, 75 users, 20,000 Workflow Credits, 1,333/per month
  • Scale version, Unlimited words per month, 200 users, 75,000 Workflow Credits, 4,000/per month

Key features in use

Copy.ai has similar features to Blaze, WriteSonic, and JasperAi. However it has automation to set it apart. Within automation users can create workflows by giving simple inputs to generate blog posts. With a simple brief of “Best GPT Product” Copy.ai was able to fully create an entire blog post. With multiple options for titles and a meta description for SEO.

Pros and Cons


Harnessing the power of Generative AI has become essential for productivity in content creation. The emergence of GPT products has revolutionized how individuals and businesses approach content generation, offering an array of tools tailored to diverse needs and preferences.

Jasper AI stands out for its versatility in generating marketing copy, personalized templates, and AI-generated artwork using DALL·E 2. Despite its strengths, it faces some limitations in producing factually accurate long-form content.

ChatGPT, rooted in the GPT series by OpenAI, offers accessibility through its free GPT-3.5 model and provides advanced features, including GPT-4 capabilities, code writing assistance, and curated plans. However, its limitation lies in the absence of templates for content creation.

Writesonic, much like Jasper AI, utilizes diverse content templates but also introduces innovative features such as Botsonic, Chatsonic, and Photosonic. Yet, it suffers from word limits in most payment plans, affecting its usability for extensive content creation.

Blaze focuses on aiding businesses in content creation, offering a range of templates for marketing purposes. However, it lacks some of the diverse AI-powered functionalities present in other platforms and has a relatively limited feature set.

Copy.ai differentiates itself by emphasizing automation and simplicity, allowing users to create workflows and generate content with minimal inputs. Although it offers a free version and automation features, the unavailability of GPT-4 and longer wait times for automation may hinder its scalability.

In conclusion, the landscape of GPT content creation tools continues to evolve, offering a spectrum of innovative solutions to streamline and elevate the content creation process. As technology advances, these platforms will likely expand their capabilities, empowering users with even more sophisticated and efficient AI-driven content generation tools.

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